MBE Simulations offers solutions for the following needs:
Internalizing business acumen at all management
Optimizing organizational results by wise implementation
and utilization of ERP systems
Balanced Scorecards initiatives, enabling organizations to be strategically
Internalizing business acumen
on all management levels
Business Acumen requires an internalized responsible, responsive and
realistic approach to understanding business forces on macro and micro
organization levels.
Read MBE Simulations'
Business acumen definition.
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Optimizing organizational
results by wise implementation and utilization of ERP systems
Integrative information systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) are important management tools, but are only as effective as their
Up-time for implementation of these systems has proven to be time-intensive and
tedious, while the minutia of information overload tends to cloud the big
picture. This is to the detriment of the organization.
Within this simulated experimental environment, managers have the
freedom to try out and evaluate various operational policies by making
decisions, analyzing results, and then going back and replaying the scenario
again and again, based on new decisions and analysis of new results.
With MBE Simulations advanced solutions, participants can:
Learn to utilize the
information available through ERP systems
Practice management of a
virtual enterprise working with an ERP system
Develop system thinking to
support the integration of the local areas in utilizing the ERP systems
Understand the supply chain and
the required management decisions
Experience the added value of
the new management approaches such as Toc, JIT AND BPR
Implement and explore logistics
control systems
Explore management
decision-making in an interactive dynamic environment
Experience multi-disciplinary
team management
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Utilizing Balanced Score Cards
initiatives, enabling organizations to be strategically focused
Developed by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1992, the balanced
scorecard methodology is a management practice which makes the organizations
business tactics measurable and quantifiable. The score cards are used to
measure how well the organization has performed in achieving it's business
policy. Despite proven success, business scorecard implementation faces certain
obstacles, mainly the inability of managers to understand how their decisions
lead towards common goal and results. In other words – the chain of cause and
effect initiated by a simple decisions somewhere in the organization.
Another common obstacle faced in attempting to implement scorecard
methodology is the failure by management to treat the strategic plan as an
ongoing process. In other words focusing on day-by-day abilities to track the
course of lagging indicators (meaning not only end quarter results).
Business training approaches tend to look at results on a monthly and
quarterly basis which is important. However, MBE Simulations recognizes the
importance of analyzing results day-by-day and so dynamically making
adjustments, rather than wait for the end of a period.
This dynamic nature of modern organizations in a turbulent business
world requires managers to know how to utilize current management tools such as
business intelligence and KPI cockpits.
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