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Fusing both business strategic managerial focus and managerial application with business acumen

MBE Vision


MBE Simulations recognizes that successful companies need managers at all levels to effectively execute company strategy in multi-dimensional business environments. The future constantly becomes the present and to best function managers must learn dynamic and rapid change management.


MBE envisions a business world comprised of strong and flexible organizations where efficiency exists in a context of organizational effectiveness. MBE believes this business reality can be achieved via their fully dynamic simulations where managers can learn through real experience and internalize the business insights revealed to them.


Enabling real-life learning free from real-life consequences


To internalize management and business acumen there is a need for a special platform that enables action without real-life business consequences. MBE Simulations is the only dynamic training platform providing immediate feedback from within the minute-by-minute simulation. A real-life look and feel enables Managers to make real decisions without suffering real-life consequences.  Managers experience business by executing daily decisions as well as exploring the need for a collaborative organizational view.



Business acumen definition


In order to acquire a real instinctive business behavior managers should act as though they are the owner of an organization. That means understanding how the organization makes profit and delivers value to the owners. However, more than this it requires: balancing dimensions that lead to results such as collaborative approaches between the various organizational parts, the need to maximize effectiveness at each single moment and coping with the changing nature of the turbulent business world.


Today's modern management is equipped with many technologies and methodologies that can serve the organizations' managers for better results. To name just a few – Business Intelligence abilities, wise use of key performance indicators for analyzing ongoing status of important business activities and re-assessing and analyzing lag indicators at the end of a period for making policy changes for the coming period.


Business acumen must be based on a foundation of understanding the inter-relationship between each decision and its direct impact in the chain of effects all the way towards final organizational results.


For best business impact managers need to understand not only financial results, but other less precise results such as customer satisfaction, reputation and employee effectiveness. This is not to mention the need for balancing the whole picture of KPIs as addressed in greater detail by the Balanced Score Card approach (Introduced by Dr. Nortan and Dr. Kaplan in 1992)


To express this, MBE Simulations have developed a 3-D Managerial Model by which managers internalize a central equation called Extended Managerial and Business Acumen (EMBA).


The formula dimentions are:


Business know-how - Explores the big picture. How the organization operates, makes decisions and money and how success is measured.


Collaboration - Integrating the concept of the corporation in the context of their own impact while targeting the common goal.


Accountability despite uncertainty - An uncertain and fluctuating business world is a mangerial dimension that requires a proactive approach to ensure target results regardless of unpredictable events. Control and actions must be sustained over these unpredicted events.


Effective results are the combined impact of the previous three dimensions and are the intended performance of the business processes. An effective execution of a strategy, effectively optimizing these dimentions, is the key for business success.



























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